
This is a seafood restaurant near the Kamogawa/Kinosaki Beach. You can enjoy dishes made with plenty of fresh seafood that landed at the local Amatsu Kominato Port. What you want to eat at this restaurant is "Kinmedai-nitsuke-gozen"="Boiled red bream meal". Amatsu Kominato is a famous area for catching red breams that are said to be the best in Japan. They have excellent size and fat content. Also, the seafood bowl "Oraga-don" is popular with women for its freshly fried tempura and careful presentation, as well as for its taste. From tatami-zashiki sitting several people to the banquet hall, it is delightfully spacious. You can enjoy the seafood of Kamogawa relaxing slowly.

Spot Information

Business Hours Weekday 11:00~20:00(L.O.19:30) Weekend 11:00~21:00(L.O.20:30)
Regular Holiday Wednesday
Tel +814-7094-1023
Street Address 3280-5, Amatsu, Kamogawa, Chiba
Web Site https://www.uomasa.net/
Notes Red bream set meal ¥2,200~
Original bowl ¥1,900
(tax not included)

To prevent coronavirus infection, some stores may take measures such as shortening business hours, closing business hours, and temporarily closing equipment. For details, please check the official website or call.

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