BINGO Burger

This is a hamburger shop within the "Miyoshimura Hinanosato" roadside station in Minami Boso. You can see the yellow letters "BINGO" on the white and red checkered sign. The most popular is the "Bingo burger". At 200g, the 100% wagyu patty is full of volume. Using local vegetables selected by the chef himself, the vegetable dishes are very fresh. Also, it has a rich lineup, such as "Avocado burger" which is popular with women, and "Jalapeño burger" which is recommended for spice lovers. If you like hamburgers, you should stop by this shop.

Spot Information

Business Hours 11:00~16:00
Regular Holiday Thursday (open on holidays)
Tel +81-470-36-1234
Street Address 82-2, Kawada, Minamiboso, Chiba
Web Site
Notes Bingo burger ¥1,000
Avocado burger ¥1,150
(tax not included)

To prevent coronavirus infection, some stores may take measures such as shortening business hours, closing business hours, and temporarily closing equipment. For details, please check the official website or call.

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