This is a seafood restaurant near the Ito fishing port in Tateyama, where fish are procured directly from local fishermen. It is a wonderful restaurant where you can enjoy the seafood dishes made with super-fresh local fish brought from the local fishing port and the friendly smiles of the local moms. In addition to sashimi-in-a-boat and namero, a local cuisine, the most delicious item is when you bake on your table the turban shells and spiny lobster that you select from the fresh fish corner. The shop is right next to the sea, and if it's sunny, you can enjoy your meal while looking out at the open ocean.

Spot Information

Business Hours Restaurant/Weekday 11:00~16:00(L.O)Weekend and Holiday 8:00~10:00(L.O), 11:00~16:00(L.O)Seafood market/Weekday 9:00~17:00 Weekend and Holiday 8:00~17:00
Regular Holiday Tuesday
Tel +81-470-29-1221
Street Address 963-1, Ito, Tateyama, Chiba
Web Site http://hanashibuki.com/daibo/
Notes Daibo special bowl ¥1,580
Grilled lobster ¥1,200〜
Grilled turban shell ¥380〜
(tax not included)

To prevent coronavirus infection, some stores may take measures such as shortening business hours, closing business hours, and temporarily closing equipment. For details, please check the official website or call.

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