Teshikaga Ramen / Teshikaga Main Store

Teshikaga Ramen is a ramen shop that originated in Eastern Hokkaido and has its main store in Teshikaga Town. It is a famous shop that operates a total of 8 stores nationwide, in addition to the main store. The menu item “seafood shibori shoyu ramen” is especially recommended for Teshikaga Ramen, which uses several ingredients that are produced in Hokkaido. It features a rich soup that utilizes soy sauce tare, which is made by carefully preparing and steeping Hokkaido-made dried bonito flakes, dried scallops, dried shrimp, vegetables, etc. for more than 20 hours and letting them rest for an additional day. Additionally, they have an abundant menu that features popular dishes such as the well-known “Teshikaga Miso” using Hokkaido miso, the classic “Teshikaga Soy Sauce”, and the limited menu item “Salmon Tōyō Shio Ramen.”

Spot Information

Business Hours 11:00〜20:00
※Please check the web for details of closure.
*Business hours may vary due to the effects of the novel coronavirus. Please check our website homepage for details.
Regular Holiday 1/1
*Business hours may vary due to the effects of the novel coronavirus. Please check our website homepage for details.
Tel 015-482-5511
Street Address 1-1-18, Mashu, Teshikagacho, Kawakamigun, Hokkaido
Web Site http://www.teshikaga-ramen.com
Notes Seafood shibori soy sauce ramen: ¥850
Teshikaga miso ramen / spicy miso ramen: ¥850
Teshikaga soy sauce ramen: ¥800
*All prices include tax

Free parking available (large vehicles are accepted)
Credit card accepted
Electronic payment accepted (waon / Edy / iD / nanaco / PayPay / transportation IC)

To prevent coronavirus infection, some stores may take measures such as shortening business hours, closing business hours, and temporarily closing equipment. For details, please check the official website or call.

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