Lake Akan Ainu Theater Ikoro

At Lake Akan Ainu Village, you can experience Ainu food and folk craftworks, as well as view ancient dances and ceremonies. At “Lake Akan Ainu Theater Ikoro” in Lake Akan Ainu Village, in addition to traditional performances such as “Ainu Ancient Dance” and “Iomante Fire Festival”, the fusion performance “Akan Yukar Lost Kamuy”, which combines the latest technology with Ainu traditional culture, is performed. There is no doubt that you will enjoy Lake Akan even more by witnessing the stories that the Ainu people have cherished through the ages.

Spot Information

Business Hours 9:00〜21:30
※Please check the web for details on cancellation information
Regular Holiday Please check the web for details on cancellation information
Tel 0154-67-2727
Street Address 4-7-19, Akanchoakankonsen, Kushiro, Hokkaido
Web Site
Adult ¥2,200 per person
Elementary school ¥600 per person

To prevent coronavirus infection, some stores may take measures such as shortening business hours, closing business hours, and temporarily closing equipment. For details, please check the official website or call.

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